Cyclos is online banking software (used by more than 1500 payment systems worldwide) for microfinance institutions, local banks and complementary currency systems like LETS, TD4W Credits, Barter networks and time banks. It is easy to use and manage, and its structure lets you create a dedicated payment system via smooth configurantiion changes.
Check out how to install Cyclos cluster with replicated master-slave database - in a single click away at Cloudlets Australia hosting platform.
Due to the enabled High Availability your Cyclos environment will be able to cope with failed transactions and other performance issues. And application extension across a number of servers ensures redundancy: if one server fails, the users from that node will be automatically switched to the other instance of the cluster. Due to the replication, the other instance has all the sessions of the failed node. The PostgreSQL database master-slave replication improves the performance and the failover capabilities.
Installing Cyclos Cluster
Let's sign in (or register - it is free. Moreover you have 14 days trial without credit card details) to Cloudlets Australia account
Open the Marketplace (the storage with all the available one-click installations)

Go to Clusters and click Cyclos 4 PRO Cluster.

It is also possible to import the manifest from GitHub:

There are several Cyclos versions you can choose among, so just change this option if required. You can also change the Environment and Display names. Now install the Cluster.

In a couple of minutes your Cyclos 4 PRO Cluster will be installed and running.

You'll receive a confirmation letter about successful Cyclos Cluster installation (as well as the success pop-up right in the dashboard). So just click Open in Browser to access your system.

If you don’t have account at license server, please follow the Cyclos License Server link to proceed with registration
Then, you need to go through the several steps of Cyclos configuration wizard using credentials you’ve registered at the Cyclos site before.

That’s all! Now you have your own Cyclos 4 up and running.
After that you'll have to configure the system passing through 12 steps.

As soon as new network is created, save configuration and switch to this network with respective buttons.

Now let's restart application server nodes (you can choose whether it'll be sequential (all together restart of all Tomcat nodes) or simultaneous (one by one with delay) restart).

Refresh the Cyclos application web page (or click Open in Browser button) to get the application servers re-read configuration and start running in High-Availability mode.

That's all.
In case of one server failure, it won't overload or influence the rest ones. In order to secure traffic to your Cyclos portal just use Let’s Encrypt SSL Add-On (it can be also installed in 1-click from the Marketplace).
Follow the steps from this how-to installation guide and test the benefits of own banking system hosted in the cloud.