Auto-Clustering for Databases and Application Servers

Software clustering means using two and more instances for a service, providing reliability and smooth handling of high load.

Commonly, the process of a database and app server cluster configuration requires a lot of time and effort, but Cloudlets Australia platform provides easy installation  for the popular clusterized solutions.

Below we’ll unveil how to get a production-ready cluster automatically within the cloud.

Enable Auto-Clustering

From the topology wizard it is possible to install the following clusters:

  • application servers - GlassFish, Jenkins, WildFly
  • SQL databases - MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL
  • NoSQL database - Couchbase, MongoDB
  • storage server - Shared Storage Container

You can also install prepackaged clusterization solutions within the Marketplace => Clusters in the dashboard.

1. Log in or register to the dashboard. Select one of the listed stacks in the topology wizard. The appropriate Auto-Clustering switcher will be available in the central part of the frame.

2. To get more details about the each required auto clustering solution, just hover over the hint icon as well as click Learn More to check the comprehensive documentation.

3. You can also configure the cluster after enabling Auto-Clustering in some cases. MariaDB auto-cluster allows to choose replication Scheme and add dedicated ProxySQL load balancer exclusively for this database cluster:

To try out and install your auto scalable clusterized solutions - just register free at